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This module function is used to specify the components of the sewage module in EpiSewer.

Each component can be specified using one or several helper functions (see available options below). See the documentation of the individual helper functions to adjust model priors and further settings.


model_sewage(flows = flows_observe(), residence_dist = residence_dist_assume())



Daily flow volumes at the sampling site. The flow can change due to rainfall or industrial discharge, and directly influences pathogen concentrations in the wastewater. Modeling options:


Sewer residence time distribution for pathogen particles. By default, EpiSewer assumes that particles arrive at the sampling site within the day of shedding. However, for larger sewage systems, particles may travel longer than a day depending on where and when they were shed into the wastewater. Modeling options:


A modeldata object containing the data and specifications of the sewage module.

See also