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This option accounts for daily wastewater flow volumes measured at the sampling site. The flow can change due to rainfall or industrial discharge, and directly influences pathogen concentrations in the wastewater.


  flows = NULL,
  date_col = "date",
  flow_col = "flow",
  modeldata = modeldata_init()



A data.frame with each row representing one day. Must have at least a column with dates and a column with flow measurements.


Name of the column containing the dates.


Name of the column containing the flows.


A modeldata object to which the above model specifications should be added. Default is an empty model given by modeldata_init(). Can also be an already partly specified model returned by other EpiSewer modeling functions.


A modeldata object containing data and specifications of the model to be fitted. Can be passed on to other EpiSewer modeling functions to add further data and model specifications.

The modeldata object also includes information about parameter initialization (init), meta data (.metainfo), and checks to be performed before model fitting (.checks).


The flow volume unit should be the same as for the concentration measurements, e.g. if concentrations are measured in gc/mL, then the flow should be in mL as well.

See also

Other flow models: flows_assume()