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For a given date, the growth report shows the probability that infections have been growing constantly for at least 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, respectively. The report uses a diverging bar plot which is scaled between "very unlikely" (0% posterior probability) and "very likely" (100% posterior probability).


plot_growth_report(result, date = NULL, partial_prob = 0.8)



Results object returned by EpiSewer() after model fitting. In contrast to other plotting functions, this cannot be a list of multiple result objects, because growth report plots are always for a single model fit.


The date for which the growth report should be plotted. If NULL, the most recent date for which a reliable report can be provided is automatically selected, see partial_prob. Note that the date is backward looking. For example, if date="2022-03-01", you will get the probability that have been growing in the last 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days before this date.


To select the most recent reliable date, we subtract a certain quantile of the shedding load distribution from the current date. For example, if partial_prob=0.8 (default), we select the date for which 80% of the shedding load of individuals infected before this date has been shed.


A growth report plot showing the probability that infections have been growing without interruption for at least 3, 7, 14, 21, and 28 days, respectively. Can be further manipulated using ggplot2 functions to adjust themes and scales, and to add further geoms.